Genealogy Record For
Samuell Trenary - (Mark's G6 Grandfather)

Samuell Trenary (? - ?)
  • Spouse: Dorothy Bishopp (Trenary) (? - ?)
  • Children:
    1. Son: Richard Trenary (1717 - ?)
  • Parents
    1. Father: Unknown? (?)
    2. Mother: Unknown? (?)
Samuell's Personal Information
(Birth Date Unknown?)
Date of Death: Unknown
Marriage to:
    Dorothy Bishopp (Trenary) (? - ?)
Religion: Christening: May 25, 1717, East Newlyn, Cornwall, England.
Source: Karen Hix FTM Website

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Last Modified on: September 15, 2010
Record Created:   September 15, 2010